Lights, Cameras, Accident Scene

Lights, Cameras, Accident Scene

What To Do When The Media Arrives

You’re a volunteer with the local Police Department. You’re sitting at home on a rather warm Sunday in May.  Suddenly your telephone rings.

Photo of a crime scene in Maricopa, Az.

“Shoot, the press is here.” Photo by Howard WaGGner, News of Maricopa.


“Hey, this is , we have an incident in that we’re being called to provide traffic control for. Are you available?”

Just like that, you’re sitting in a vehicle, crosswise in the street (see the white cruiser in the background of the picture?), while detectives and patrol officers deal with a crime scene right behind you. Your job is to keep the unauthorized people out, and let the authorized people in.

So, after a couple of hours of above-average temperatures (this is Arizona, after all), you notice a couple of guys walking up the sidewalk toward you. They’re carrying cameras and have ID cards hanging around their necks. More detectives? Crime Scene Investigators?

As they get closer you realize…IT’S THE MEDIA!

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